Clone High was a 2002 co-production by MTV and Canada's Teletoon. The cartoon series revolved around a high school whose students were clones of various historical figures, created for purposes the series never got a chance to reveal. The main characters were JFK, Abe Lincoln, Joan of Arc, Cleopatra, and Gandhi, along with crazed principal Cinnamon J. Scudworth and his robotic butler Mr. Butlertron. Apparently the last 5 of the 13 episodes made weren't aired in the US, The show's demise has sometimes been blamed on Indian complaints about the portrayal of Gandhi, who was portrayed as a horny teen with little sign of the original's intellect, although poor ratings are a much more likely explanation.
If you were a fan of the series, or if it sounds interesting, and are a Shaw Cable customer, you can currently watch the complete series via Shaw Video on Demand. Click on Other TV then Kids TV, then Shaw Kids Club, then Teen. The episodes are located after the 6teen episodes, and are free.
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