
Friday, December 29, 2006

Murder Free Zone.

Imagine living in a jurisdiction where there are no murders. If you live in the Yukon you don't have to at the moment. Barring violence over the weekend the Yukon will have gone murderless for two consecutive years on January 1st. This is a cool statistic, especially since the territory, with a population of 31,000, had 7 murders in 2004. Some suspect efforts to curtail the illegal drug trade may have played a hand. Whatever the cause hopefully it will stay that way.

Hopefully Saskatoon's murder rate will drop over the next year, and be much lower than other years. In recent years there have typically been 7 to 10 murders per year in Saskatoon, giving us a murder rate fluctuating between rougly 3 and 5 per hundred thousand population.

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